Steps To Create ISO Image File - Sweeky Singh
Steps To Create ISO Image File

Steps To Create ISO Image File

Short Description:

Product Description

There are my softwares that can be used to create an ISO image for a file/media from PC or from a CD/DVD, but the one which we will discuss here is about WinISO.

Having an ISO image helps when you wish to create multiple copies of Game/Software/Modifying a Bootable Disk, etc.

So the steps are as follows:

a) Download the WinISO from the following link:

b) After downloading> Install it> And then run it.

c) Once opened> Click on "New file" option on the toolbar>Add the folder(s) or the specific file(s) into WinISO by right clicking(you can also use shortcut keys "F3" or "F4").

d) Once the files or directory is added click on the "Save" button> Then enter your preferred ISO file name> Click "Save" and your new ISO fill would then be created.

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